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Location scouting, and gear prep

Kia Ora fellow stoners and aspiring growers!


This is the first of a number of tutorials covering your New Zealand Outdoor cannabis season.  Follow these step by step and I can guarentee 100% success in your outdoor ventures :-)


Preparing to grow in the great outdoors:
In Prologue, I listed everything you will need in terms of gear. The items on this list are the bare minimum to do the job properly and professionally. It sucks its gonna cost... but DO IT, this tutorial can be absolutely fail proof if you follow it by the word!! so get EVERYTHING on that list.


I will now start with the basics...

The first part I will state is... doing this technique (unless there is a bad drought) I swear black and blue there is NO NEED TO WATER your spot... no need for water crystals either! And thats ALL SEASON.... I plant my plants.... and walk away... I don't visit until its male time!! (I'll explain the science later) if it goes over 3 weeks without a water I may start worrying... but then u can guarantee I go to water the plants and then...  it will rain, usually in a day or two after too! Follow me word for word and there is no need to water here in NZ.

Outdoor season to me officially starts (as in I germinate my seeds) in mid September
You can use clones if available (if you use clones, hold back until early to mid October before planting), I highly recommend seeds, You will get vigor and yield much better with seeds than clones. Any seeds will do (bag seeds or bought seeds).
But before all this you need to figure out your:


LOCATION: start walking... hunting, bird watching, what ever it takes to get out there in the nature having a good look about.
Ideally your looking for a location that gets as much sun as possible, North facing Valleys areas will get you best results, however you would be suprised where you might get away with a spot.... stay out of shade... it doesnt exactly have to be full sun (But DO aim for it!!) 6 to 8 hours sun will get you by... the more the better obviously!
Choose a location that you are very unlikely to see a human... gorse... thorns horrible shit that the average human would not go near are ideal... venture in till you know know one will go in... then go even further!! Just fucking No mans land!! Ideally a nice little valley that would run water through your spot when it rains is a fail safe (but not at all necessary). And begin Clearing. 


For a spot hosting anywhere between 10 to 30 plants, try and allow roughly a 2 meter radius (that means if you are standing in the center of your patch there is 2meters 360 degrees around you to make your garden in) to your clearing Preferably more but 2 meters can do the job... clear it down to the dirt, rip out all the grass and plants so you have a nice bare space. Just dirt.
If you need to cut trees/limbs - Cut ALL that you do on an angle facing the cut INWARDS to the patch if they have to be exposed, ideally try and cover any cuts with the foliage you are cutting down, and ripping out of the ground. These cuts may otherwise be easily spotted in the air - so be careful and vigilant. On the Same note... cutting Branches that let in more light CAN be a very good thing, just do it right.

Thats your location sounding pretty ready to go, but before you can go in there with your shovel and plants there is one key bit of gear prep to do first, and it is ultra important.


Gear Prep

Your chicken mesh you bought... Its probably galved... or painted green... or whatever... either way DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP as failure to do this can mean a growers number one enemy - the possum can get his sticky mitts in there.. and From first hand experience possums can eat 100s of plants a time!! They completely wipe you out!!

Don't unroll it yet or anything. - It's winter... people prune shit... and start yard fires and burn shit in the winter aye... well do that... burn some scrub and rubbish that really needs done on your property... while you are at it... chuck all of your chicken mesh in the and let it burn away for 15 or 20 minutes... now being ultra careful fish it out of your fire, and give it a hose down... then sit it out in the elements in the corner of your yard for the next month or two... you want it to rust.

Rusting up your chicken mesh is beneficial in two ways:

  1.  Possums wont like trying to climb rusty chicken netting especially the way you have it tied (in a later tutorial you will understand)

  2.  PIGS - aka The Police will be less likely to spot a bowny black rusty fence than a shiney galv silver fence from the sky


Now you definitely have all the items in my list, you are ready for the next stage... GERMINATION...
It gets Better and better from Here. 
In my next tutorial I will explain how to successfully germinate your plants and have them easily ready to plant... no more taking boxes of seedlings in your car out to your spot... no raising plants under lights first - there is NO need for any of that... your seeds can sprout and grow their first for weeks in your location... with out needing to have ANY plants or evidence on your property... and its very very easy to do 100s at a time if thats what you choose!

rusty mesh.jpg
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