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Outdoor Growing

Ok Kiwi's lets outgrow this beautiful country with some beautiful cannabis!

The new outdoor season is right on our doorstep!!


Make sure you are following my page to make this season a good one!! Together we are gonna have a GREAT season, my goal... I dont want to be hearing of any more dry spells in this country!! I will be posting up regular tutorials and info on this website, and social media accounts, so make sure to save them for future references, theres ALOT to take in.... and this will take a few posts!!


My first part of advice:

all of this is equipment is available in either mitre 10, bunnings, or the wharehouse.

  • A good spade

  • A backpack/day pack

  • Chicken Netting

  • Clear plastic tubs 40litre ones with the lids! (1tub per 25 to 30 plant plot u plan on doing)

  • 1 bag of seed raising mix per 2 clear plastic tubs

  • Gardening gloves


Fertilisers to stock up on for the tutorials i will give you:


  1. Sheep pellets (at least 2 bags for each 25 to 30 plant plot you may plan on doing) 1 bag from mitre 10 costs $8 "number 8" brand. These are KEY i say at least 2 bags per plot, but litetally the more the better. Cannabis LOVES sheep manure... and it will never burn your plants... so stock up!!

  2. Lime.... dolomite lime preferably... regular lime does do the same job

  3. Powdered blood n bone

  4. Nitrophoska - this is the most expensive fert, approx $30 for 8kg to 10kg.... very worth it especially if you are starting out!!

  5. Sulphate of Potash lotssss and lots of potash... you will need this later... but you cant get enough of it when you do, id say at least 2 x 5kg bags per plot

  6. 1 small bag of Super Phosphate


Now the days are getting longer, everytime you have some spare coin, go buy at least one of these items if you dont have them allready... you will need them ALL.









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