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ScrOG - Screen of Green

The ScrOG - Screen of Green


Kia Ora Everyone :-)


This Tutorial is an intermediate to advanced growing technique. However you are only going to master scrogging by continually persevering with it.

Scrogging is great for those growers who:
a). Want to keep plant count down however get maximum yeild
b). Have only one room/tent/grow space to grow in. (no vegative room and flowering room combo)
c). Growers who have limited space - as in a stealth cabinet or closet, or if you are using a grow tent a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent makes the perfect scrogging tent.


Before I start off... learn from my mistake... if its your first time scrogging, id strongly advise against using a hydroponic system, or anything slightly resembling one (such as auto pots). You dont want to be like me with plants in a hydro system, most of the way into a scrog and roots block my pipes and the room starts flooding.... not a good place to be!! So if its your first time scrogging, just stick with soil - or even better "Super Soil" (read my news feed for more info on a basic NZ super soil).

Scrogging requires quite a long period of time veging your plants, so the best advice before you start is to buy Planter Bags (PB bags) or pots that will hold 40 litres plus of soil (PB90's are ideal). Hydro crew - make sure there is enough space for roots to go!! An average bucket (16L) or AutoPot sized buckets are not big enough!! DWC (deep water cultures) are great!! Buddy systems (such as Auto pots and the likes) need at least 40L pots. NFT or gully systems noooooo way not scrogging!!


I strongly advice you use clones to scrog! because even the best breeders in the world will sell you the odd hermie or male plant in their feminised seeds. If you have the choice Sativa dominant strains are best suited to scrogs, however indicas perform well too!!


Step by Step Basics to the Scrog.


Plant your clone/clones in its forever home, a PB90 full of "Growsephs supersoil" is ideal!
Have your lights on an 18/6 schedule (18 hours on and 6hours off in a 24hour day) and let your plants start finding their feet. (allow 3 to 4weeks for this).
Now your plants have found their feet in their new home, top them, so carefully cut the top growth tip off the pant exposing 2 nodes at the top. This will encourage your plant to grow more branches.
Give your plants 1 to 2 weeks to recover. Now iss the time to install your screen/netting.
There is all sorts of ways you can make a scrog net, plastic trellis netting is available from mitre 10 or bunnings for cheap, some people use chicken mesh in a frame, what ever you use you want it to be a sturdy flat net table.
Carefully lower your screen down over your plants gently spreading out any growth out sideways UNDER the screen. If you snap any limbs - cleanly cut them at the snap, and dont be too alarmed - it will be fine.
Continue to veg your plants under the net, every couple of days head into your room and pull any branches that are growing up through the netting BACK under. Loose cable ties around the branches can assist with holding branches in place under there.
Continue vegging until the screen is 75% full. This stage is crucial to your final outcome you get it right! NO more than 75% full screen before flowering. Screens too full are quick to grow out of control above the screen, ruining your awesome potential harvest. So you want to allow your stretch in flowering (the upwards growth in the first 3 to 4 weeks of flowering cannabis) to fill the rest of the screen and ideally grow 10cm to 20cm above the screen any taller and start bending them over and tying them down to the top of the screen.
You are aiming for a nice even canopy... every flower receiving that same amount of light.
Some Scrog growers like to denude the leaves in the under growth not receiving any light (as demonstrated in some of the photos), I personally dont bother unless they are dieing and going to drop off anyway. Mass leaf removal at this time can cause stunted growth for up to 2 weeks.. its more pleasing to your eyes than the plant. Some say it will allow the plant to put more energy into the top growth, but in my opinion those bottom leaves are there for a reason, when they die off to me that means the plant has sapped the nutirents and energy from those leaves and is putting them back into the plant anyway! So just leave them!
Once the Stretching phase has finished in the flowering.. its time to sit back and watch the magic happen!! Give your plants a dose of potash now, and one more 3 weeks later, and let some big buds grow!

Scrogging can be done with 1 plant (just vege longer) or using multiple plants and vege less.

I used to be a mad scrogger, so any questions or help you need on the subject, don't hesitate to hit me up!

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