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Organic mix For advanced growers



Kia Ora fellow Green Men and Women :-),


So yous have seen and possibly trialed my basic super soil mix. Its time to step things up a little!
Super soils are great! During the plants life cycle you only need to water using normal straight tap water.. no liquid ferts, no pH'ing everything is in the soil. 
Below I will list a method and recipe for creating your own ORGANIC super soil, and alot of it... to last many grows!!

To make this super soil, its best done in a room separate from your grow room, as you will need alot of space, and your soil will need to cook. A huge tarp to cover your floor will be needed, some people even use a kids paddling pool to make it in - which is ideal!!
To make this soil you will need:

1x Rake
1x Huge tarp... big enough to hold the equivalent of 10x bags of soil OR a kids paddling pool is ideal
8x bags of Organic potting mix - the base
2 x Cups of Dolomite Lime 
1/2x Cup of Azomite
2x Tablespoons Humic Acid (not essential, how ever this encourages great root growth)
1x 3/4 cup of Epsom Salts
5kg of Sheep Pellets (roughly) (more is ok)
3kg of Blood and Bone (the stuff with added seaweed is the best)
1kg of Rock phosphate (Super phosphate will do the same)
10kg to 20kg bag of worm castings
Perlite (not essential - just for those who use it) 1 part perlite to 3 parts supersoil

Mix all these ingredients together.... DO NOT use this mix yet though! Once everything is well mixed together, you now need to cook your soil... no not in the oven!
I use 80L black plastic tubs with lids. Fill tubs with your super soil mix. Next you need to lightly water your soil ensuring the soil gets moist... but NOT soggy. Put lids on your containers - this traps the heat in, and begins the composting process. Put your tubs of soil in a sunny place for a month or so to cook.

Once a week stir the soil within the tubs and ensure it remains moist.

Unlike my basic super soil - this mix is NOT good for planting directly into - this is a strong mix and needs used wisely.

For successful growing in this super soil it must be used WITH another base soil - coco is ideal.

Pots measuring 7 gallons (or PB90s) are ideal. 
Fill the pots to half way with your supersoil mix - and then fill the rest with Coco or an organic potting mix.

Small mix - for those only growing a couple of plants:

1x bag Organic potting mix
1x handful Dolomite lime
1x tablespoon of azomite
1x teaspoon of Humic acid
1.5x tablepoons of epsom salts
3-4 Cups of sheep pellets
1x Cup of Blood and Bone
1x handfull of Rock Phosphate (or Super Phosphate)
2-3kg of Worm castings

Cooking is the most important step here - so make sure your lids are on - and your tubs are in the sun for 30 to 60 days


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